I’ve noticed recently that people are really over using the term “one shot”. Zoro did not one shot Killer or Apoo.

A one shot would mean that the first attack Zoro throws out puts down his opponent. For Killer they clashed blades multiple times before Zoro landed the decisive finishing blow. I don’t see how you call that a oneshot when they had already been clashing for a period of time.

For Apoo Zoro had already been fighting and chasing him with Drake for the past 4 chapters, he even threw a named attack the “720 pound canon” out at Apoo.

Now Zoro gets serious after 4 chapters of chasing/fighting and blindsides a distracted Apoo who is getting overwhelmed by Drake with a decisive blow and people are calling it a one shot.

That is not how it works. If you want to see an actual one shot, go watch Luffy vs Kaido. The FIRST attack Kaido threw out put down Luffy not his third or fourth.

*by ReggieZoldyk21