Not sure it has been made, but seems very possible to me. Nefertari Lili never came back to Alabasta because she was entrusted with the task of traveling all around the world hiding the Poneglyphs.

The letter that King Cobra is referring to, that has been passed through the generations of the Nefertari Family is the Alabasta Poneglyph. What are Poneglyphs if not letters to the future generations?
I bet Lili went piratying with Joy Boy, founded Amazon Lily to hide herself and Joy Boy went on to create Laugh Tale.

Joy Boy could have been the first “pirate”. A simple traveler who opposed the status quo, liberated people, fought against evil whatsoever and so on and the World Government or Marines called him and his crew pirates, because for them they were obviously criminals.
Lili could be the same, a rebellious queen with curiosity and sense for righteousness. Her way of living, dress and act became the foundation of the Amazon culture.

Makes me thinking about Joy Boy’s crew. I imagine them in a way like the Straw Hats and Rocks Pirates. Maybe Roger and Blackbeard. They were just a small group of 10, 11 people, all very different from each other, all with their own big dream and goal but achieving unbelievable things. They could be the foundation of different islands, cultures, places, like Zou and the Minks, the borders of Wano, planting of the giant tree on Elbaf and the bean on Skypia, maybe created Fishman Island. They created the Poneglyphs, wrote the texts, hide them, did whatever the One Piece is on Laugh Tale and so on.
I bet Toki of Wano was part of this crew too.
*Theory by kragenstein