In the fourth booklet of “Road to Laugh Tale”, we get this little box of info saying that when a Zoan awakens “the innate nature of their respective animal consumes the Zoan user”.

Now this little bit of info along with some info from Chapter 1044 about Zoan fruits having a “will” of their own explains the Impel Down jailers.

The Zoan users of Impel Down seem to have lost themselves after awakening, sort of like when Chopper lost his mind when using Monster Point pre-timeskip.

So what if maintaining your mind after awakening your Zoan fruit comes down to who has the stronger will, the user or the devil fruit itself. I think that’s why Kaido asked Luffy in Chapter 1046 “Who are you?” after he awakened, he wanted to know if it was still Luffy or if his devil fruit overpowered him and why he was relieved when Luffy responded.

*by TheLastAlbanian