
Oda foreshadows Vivi and Sabo coming in Wano!


I don’t believe Sabo was captured because of what Morgans said:


The Killer hasn’t been found, because he was probably hidden by Morley.

Now this brings me to Vivi and the reason she’ll be in Wano.

I believe she’s on the run for two obvious reasons: She knows the World Government tried to assassinate her, she lost his father.

And one less obvious reason, this panel:


What could Wapol leak? Being the irritable dumbass he is, there’s not much mystery to it. It’s very obvious it was Vivi’s connection to the Straw Hats.

He’s one of the few enemies Vivi has, who knows of her affiliation with them, and he’s got a long running beef with her.


Not only that, but he got her to talk about her relationship with them at the Levely, narrating what transpired in the Drum Arc in front other people, who could have recorded or witnessed her confessing her former affiliation with them.

If this is so, Vivi is now an enemy of the World Government, and could probably have also been blamed of the murder of her father with Sabo.

So, where would she go amid this crisis? To her Nakamas!

How can she get there? Well, Vivi is very capable of doing so. She has proven herself to be a very capable spy, and has shown great skill in stealth and other clandestine skills as well. This was proven clearly as Vivi was extremely good at moving about undetected, having established herself as a single digit member of Baroque Works for two years before her identity was compromised and she returned to Arabasta completely unnoticed by the citizens. Her actions as a spy were completely unnoticed by the Marines, the World Government, and even the Warlord of the Sea Crocodile for more than two years until her cover was finally blown by Miss All Sunday. Since leaving the Straw Hats, she seems to have managed to maintain her role as a princess, all the while successfully keeping both her past as a Baroque Works agent and a companion of a pirate crew secret from the Marines and the World Government.

If you still think this is farfetched, there’s another coincidence, a very odd one, and it is the main hint that got me thinking about this theory. In Magazine 7 Oda drew 4 characters (currently) unrelated to Wano in Samurai outfits.

The first two are Sabo and Ace…

Ace is dead, but his will was inherited by Sabo, and his will is tied strongly to Wano.

The other two are Vivi and her inseparable Caroue:

So why these four specific characters? Why not Shanks or Blackbeard? Why not Buggy or Hankock? Why not the other Supernovas…. not even Apoo, Drake or Hawkins received Samurai outfits and they are there in Wano! Oda chose these specific four characters to draw in Wano outfits… And you know he’s really a master of foreshadowing!

*Theory by gilliofrancesa

Unexpected Parallels between Nami and Marco!

Real-World Nationalities & Occupations of the Worst Generation