After reading the last chapter, I just found it odd that both Buggy and Toki got sick on the last trip.

Granted, Wano is nowhere near Laugh Tale, but could it be that Oda is hinting at something.

The narrator’s voice, Oden’s, is focusing on asking the reason why Buggy got sick just before the finishing line. Granted, it could just be that he is conveniently faking it because he just isn’t brave enough to visit the last island for himself.

But think of how that could throw the first members of the crew on the front once the Straw Hats actually get there: Zoro, Usopp, Nami and Sanji. Everybody else on the crew being too weak to even fight.

It’s just a narrative trope that has often been used surrounding mysterious islands that no one has ever been to. Lost comes to mind. What do you guys think?

*by MeddYatek