Zoro is always shown to compete with Sanji and getting into fights with each other over petty matters, often at inopportune moments.

Though they can behave casually and calmly towards each other, Sanji very frequently gets into physical and verbal fights with Zoro (who he refers to as “marimo” or “mosshead” because of his green hair); in turn, he is nicknamed “shitty cook”, “ero-cook” and “Prince of Dumbass Kingdom” (among other things) by Zoro.

Anyway, although their rivalry sometimes impedes their effectiveness during battle, once the two agree to work together, they become a near-unstoppable force, as they instantly turned the tables on the Groggy Monsters and defeated a Pacifista with ease.

Right now, we’ve had 219 chapters without a Zoro and Sanji interaction (chapter 723-current chapter). That’s 23.2% of One Piece’s entire publication time!

In total, Zoro and Sanji have spent 32.4% of the manga separated. The last time this happened was between chapters 512 and chapter 599 – the separation at Sabaody until their reunion; an 87 chapter difference that amounted to 14.5% of One Piece’s publication at the time. With the last manga chapter count, it drops to 9.2%.

If they haven’t interacted with one another by chapter 964, it’ll be 241 chapters since they’ve last seen each other, resulting in exactly 25% of consecutive publication time apart.
One can only imagine what Oda has planned for when they inevitably reunite.
*by Therrester