Dragon is arguably the biggest character yet to be explored in the story; and seeing how it’s not only Kuma but also Ivankov who are present in the flashback, two officers of Dragon’s Revolutionary Army, I would imagine Dragon would be a big player as well. He is already a big player in Vegapunk’s life and the flashback of his we saw during the current arc. Interestingly, Dragon would’ve been 17 at the time of the flashback which is the same age Luffy decided to start his adventure at.

As Dragon sees Luffy set sail for the Grand Line, he sends a few interesting words his way: “A Pirate is fine, too” and these words make me think Dragon used to be a Marine, something that was pushed onto him by his father. It would make a lot of sense considering who Garp is and how eager he is to make everyone into a Marine (Ace, Luffy, Koby and even Kuzan) and it would make sense as to why Dragon would’ve been present at the God Valley. It would be the things he witnessed there that would shape him to be the person he currently is – a Revolutionary.

Again, Egghead Island Arc already gave us Dragon’s goal so learning about his motivation for it, through the God Valley Flashback, is very likely to happen.
The Immortals
For the past 5 or so months I’ve been a staunch proponent of the idea that Gorosei are not human; be that because they are Demons or Aliens (or both), it’s not really relevant. What is relevant is another popular theory surrounding the Five Elder Stars and it’s that they are all immortal, and the past few chapters have been feeding into these two ideas quite nicely.

The language used by Gorosei when they are talking about “humans” always feels like they are distancing themselves from the idea that they are the same and is constantly reoccurring. The “magic” powers that Saturn has been using is quite suspicious; Oda goes out of his way to make Vegapunk state the obvious that they “aren’t science so it must be Devil Fruit” which is a weird thing to mention unless it turns out to be misdirect – it wasn’t a Devil Fruit. And most damning of all, Saturn looks EXACTLY the same 38 years ago as he does currently, seemingly giving us the confirmation of the theory that they indeed are immortal.

The question only remains, how exactly are they immortal (obvious answer would be Law’s Devil Fruit but that also is a boring answer)?
The Fable of Joy Boy
The importance of Giants has been a reoccurring theme; we learn of Saul’s survival and how he brought the books from Ohara to Elbaf and we learn that Kuma belongs to the newly revealed Buccaneer Race, a race with the blood of giants running through their giant bodies. Elbaf might not be a big “player” in the flashback but the Buccaneer race definitely will especially in its connection to the Warrior of Liberation – Nika.

Nika is the liberator of slaves, the Joyboy who brings laughter to people’s faces, a fablE passed on among slaves and Egghead Arc seems to finally be putting focus on just who or what Nika really is. However, I don’t think it will give us the answer here and now. After all, this is only ‘the second biggest flashback” in the series. Who Nika is and what his deal was will be left for the best flashback of the series – the one about Void Century.
*by D-Biggest_Wheel