Latest chapter had some amazing attention to detail on Oda’s part and served as the payoff for a handful of plot points that had been teased for a super long time now, with the oldest one being set up in 2013.

The quote Oden says to Momonosuke and Hiyori at the beginning was heard during Zou around the chapter that Oden was first mentioned to have been a member of the Roger Pirates (Hiyori’s name was excluded back then.)

Kaido calling Oden the Fool of a Lord in front of Momonosuke was first shown in a brief flashback during Zou (around the chapter where the alliance is formed.)

This is probably the most obscure: exactly 7 years ago in the manga Momonosuke recalls a hand reaching for him which triggers a trauma of fear of heights.

The anime even embellished this a bit by adding Kaido reaching for him.
*by JoeyJoJoHQ