There will be many revelations, so get ready and brace yourself for these ONE PIECE Chapter 1096 spoilers:
- Chapter title: “Kumachi”
- Cover Story: Zoro is featured in it. It is a cover request, not a story
- Ivankov and Kuma create a plan to escape God Valley by taking the Devil Fruit prizes from the slave hunt tournament and using them.
- The Rocks Pirates come to God Valley, and we see them (and Kaido lol). Garp is also sent there as well.

- Elder Nyon (from Amazon Lily) is revealed to be a member of the Rocks Pirates.

- Among the prizes, there are Kaido‘s Devil fruit and Kuma’s Devil Fruit. Ivankov and Kuma plan to take them to escape.
- Big Mom arrives and confronts Ivankov. She takes the Devil Fruit Ivankov held (Kaido’s). But Kuma manages to eat his Paw-Paw Fruit and meet Saturn.
- We also see Roger Pirates, with Roger having the straw hat with him.
- We don’t see the whole God Valley Incident. We only see the different factions arriving, and skip to Sorbet Kingdom in which Kuma, Ivankov and Ginny escaped to.
