We’ve all seen Orochi getting his head chopped off but most people believe he’s still alive.

- 1- We have already seen characters coming back after “dying”, even characters that didn’t matter to the story like Pound so it’s not something that never happened before.

- 2- No one cared for Orochi’s death. When a character dies in One Piece which doesn’t happen very often everyone is affected and shocked by it but with Orochi that didn’t happen. Everyone just changed their attention to Kaido, that’s it.

- 3- Orochi has eight heads. He got his head cut off so 7 heads left to go. An argument I see often is that he wasn’t in his Zoan form at the time but you have to remember that every Mythical Zoan user has a unique ability and they don’t have to be in their Zoan forms to use it as seen with Marco. So it’s not out of the question that Orochi also has a unique ability.

Now let’s talk about Orochi’s purpose in the story. In my opinion Orochi will be the reason why the Marines/World Government will come to Wano.

The Marines have to be involved in Wano one way or another and Orochi is the only one from the inside who can summon them.

You might say X Drake but he is only a member of SWORD and we don’t know if he’s a Marine or not. SWORD is a secret special force. They are not informed of World Government operations and their covert activities. I’m sure that SWORD is unknown even for the Gorosei.

You might ask what does Orochi gain from all this? Nothing. Orochi only ruled because he wanted the people of Wano to suffer so a 3 way war is best way to cause the most suffering.
*Theory by Tobi