MONKEY D. LUFFY is in possession of 3 Road Poneglyphs, has a strong crew and the ambition.
SHANKS is in possession of 2 Road Poneglyphs, has a strong crew and decided it’s finally the time to claim the One Piece.
TRFALGAR LAW is in possession of 2 Road Poneglyphs. He’s currently fighting against Blackbeard.
BLACKBEARD is currently fighting Law. He has a strong crew and the ambition. He’s going to steal Law’s Poneglyphs.
BUGGY has a strong crew, a lot of influence and he keeps falling upwards.
CROCODILE is one of the 2 real Leaders of the Cross Guild. Even in his prison he didn’t lose his ambition of becoming the Pirate King.
MIHAWK is still a free man with no ambition.
EUSTASS KID is now out of the running after the loss to Shanks.
BIG MOM and KAIDO may be dead. They are however in all likelihood out of the race.