I believe chapter 992 marked the Red Scabbards’ Best Performance and that last scene was the greatest attack that not only they could deliver but also that Kaido ever took in his life so the hard truth is “this is far as they get”!!

But knowing Oda, I highly doubt we will see Kaido and the Scabbards next chapters, we will now get a look back at the Straw Hats and their fights.
Once we see the roof again, it will be Kaido overpowering them and being serious.

In my opinion there should be some casualties among the Scabbards so let’s check which ones have the highest chance of dying:

Inuarashi and Nekomamushi are getting along now but it still doesn’t change the fact that Zou have two Kings now so it’s highly possible one of them will die and I lean most towards Inuarashi for many reasons (Nekomamushi is the last to arrive, it’s a little annoying that he dies so fast and we already lost Pedro who was a Guardian which means if Nekomamushi dies, there won’t be any character to lead the Guardians really, plus Nekomamushi is more unique in his fighting style)

For some reason, Oda decided that Kiku is the one who defeats Kanjuro even though most expected it to be Kin’emon, could it be that Oda wanted to give her an exclusive moment to shine before she is forced to share this fight with others because he is planning to kill her?
I think it’s possible especially with Izo there for more drama.

Ashura Doji felt so much regret and sadness when he saw his comrades attack Onigashima years ago and die, he is also the only one who was basically a villain before meeting Oden, so it’s possible Ashura will have a heroic death protecting his friends and claiming that he will now finally rejoin his old friends and make up for the crimes he did in the past.