Kin’emon‘s death would be the most shocking out of all 9 so it’s still up there, but due to how important he is, I believe he still needs to become the Samurai Commander of Wano.

Raizo is the only ninja in the group and we have a full arc where Minks almost died to protect him, i don’t see any reason for him to die.

Kawamatsu is also among the ones i can’t imagine dying simply because his story is with characters who aren’t present here, so his death would be lackluster, not to mention he is the last Scabbard introduced.

Finally, Denjiro is considered a traitor so it’s possible Kaido will want to kill him out of everyone else but being the Yakuza Leader, the last Scabbard to meet the rest and his story tied to Hiyori who isn’t there too, then I also doubt he would die.

In conclusion, i believe Ashura, Kiku & Inurashi are the ones most likely to die (if Oda decided to add some deaths).

Post-Arc, Kin’emon will be Samurai Commander, Raizo will lead the Ninja, Denjiro will remain Yakuza Leader, Nekomamushi will be sole King of Zou.
*Theory by Salah Eddine