In the latest chapter we see that Apoo threatens to call for the Numbers, but Zoro and Drake end their clash to attack him. However, Queen shoots unusual bullets at them with a gatling gun.

Drake looks quite scared of this. So what do you think those bullets are? Plague Bullets or Seastone Bullets?

As we know Wano is the source of seastone but since Oda showed a regular Samurai getting hit and expressing how bad it hurts, I would also assume some sort of poison or virus weapon, similar to the stuff we saw at the Prison Mines.

Judging by Drake’s reaction, Queen’s bullets seem to have an unusual effect. If you’d ask me, on one hand seastone bullets would take the devil fruit users out of the battle until they’re removed, but other than that it would just mean the bullets hit harder. Plague bullets make more sense to me because it would be more effective in thinning their numbers.

Chopper already has a cure though so either way I’d hardly call it a game chang