It’s clear that if they don’t even respect King they sure as hell don’t respect Queen. We also learn that Who’s Who and Sasaki were once captain’s of their own crews. Who’s Who shouts at King telling him they got where they were by how strong they were, and King continues by saying Kaido needs help.

Kaido says he needs Yamato to be found and brought back, and whoever finds him will get to fight an All Star. Who’s Who is overjoyed by this fact.

Finally, we get to the two most convincing pieces of evidence. A few chapters later, after learning that Luffy and Kid escaped Udon, Queen decides to make an announce. He is going to personally take out one of the Tobiroppo, and the spot will be open for anyone who can get it.

And who is within earshot of this announcement? Who’s Who.

After reaffirming that Queen said he was going to wipe someone out, Who’s Who mentions they both hold the same feeling

It’s clear that Who’s Who wants one thing, to kill Queen and become an All Star. It’s also clear Queen wants Who’s Who dead as he’s been causing problems for Queen.
Later on Who’s Who and his crew get an alert on Yamato’s location, and rush to find him. We don’t know what happens yet, but this is my assumption. Who’s Who arrives and discovers Yamato is defecting with Luffy, Kaido is busy fighting the Scabbards, Jack is busy fighting the Minks, and King is busy fighting Sanji. That leaves one person, Queen, all alone up on the stage. There’s no Kaido to persuade him to do it later, there’s no other members of the Tobi Roppo who are currently thinking of fighting Queen, it’s just Who’s Who and The Plague himself.

Who’s Who will get to show his stuff to become an All Star, and Queen will get his chance to wipe out a member of the Tobirppo. This is all they’ve wanted, and the situation is absolutely perfect to make it happen. It also reaffirms the first things we learn about Who’s Who. He wants Queen dead, and he’s waited way too long to make it happen.
*Theory by ShovelBeatleRillaz