Currently, the Straw Hat Pirates crew has 10 members, but I’m pretty sure Carrot will join soon as the 11th crew member.

Here is why:
- She’s a goofy character that goes along with the trio of Chopper, Usopp and Luffy in their funny moments.

- She’s strong (if Chopper manages to find a way for her to use Sulong whenever she wants she’s gonna be even stronger).

- She’s going to have a bounty after the events of Wano, and like what happened with Franky, the people of Zou will accept her to leave considering that.

- She’s a female character and it’s been a long time since the crew got a female character in the mix (I really believe there will be a third woman in the crew before the end of the journey).

- She could be the watch on top of the boat (we’ve seen her at this position multiple times already).

- She’s a Minks and that add to the fact that the Straw Hat crew is a pretty diverse group.

- She has a dream, and it is to see the world.

- She has lived a trauma with the rest of the crew with the death of Pedro.

- In Oden’s flashback, Nekomamushi and Inuarashi behave exactly like Carrot did when she first set sail. They thought the world consisted only of 5 island, an ignorance similar to Carrot’s since she thought it would take half a day to sail to Whole Cake Island. They also stowed away on Whitebeard’s ship, just like how Carrot stowed away on the Sunny. Considering they sailed with the Pirate King, does that mean Carrot will also sail with the Pirate King?

*Theory by Therrester