Saint Jaygarcia Saturn’s terrifying devil fruit finally revealed!
In the new chapter, Saint Jaygarcia Saturn finally joins the battle and shows his scary hybrid zoan form. His lower body is like that of a spider, similar to Black Maria, with a flame-shaped pattern. His beard and hair become like flowing clouds. He has too a black cloud wrap over his neck (like Lucci and Kaku). And he has two big horns.

When Saturn speaks, his incredible powerful aura makes all strong characters on the island (Kizaru, Luffy, Zoro, Lucci, Sanji, Jinbe, Vice Admirals..) pause fighting.

Marines with “Rear Admiral” rank or below must not look at Saint Jaygarcia Saturn directly. However, one Marine makes eye contact with Saturn and his head explodes!

Saturn’s Zoan form looks like an Ushi-Oni (or Gyuki) which is a yokai from the folklore of western Japan.

Revealing Saint Jaygarcia Saturn’s devil fruit is big news because it shows that One Piece is getting closer to its end, giving more details about characters like the Five Elders who will likely be the final villains. As confirmed by Vegapunk, the Five Elders are the most powerful authority figures in the World!