1-X Drake is the son of the Marine-turned-pirate Diez Barrels, and as a young adult was called Dory. He was physically abused by his father, and when the Donquixote Pirates invaded Barrels’ hideout 13 years ago, he abandoned Barrels’ crew as they were trapped and massacred.

2-Currently, he and his crew are affiliated with the Beasts Pirates. X Drake serves as one of the crew’s Headliners and is one of the Six Flying Fighters, six of the strongest Headliners.

3-His name is based on real life privateer Sir Francis Drake.

4-He shares his name, sideburns, and Voice actor with another character. However, this character is still a member of the Marines and is also non-canon.

5-In SBS Volume 64, Oda drew the Supernovas as children. Drake is shown wearing a small tattered Marine uniform, showing that he aspired to become a Marine since he was very young. He appears to have been a playful and cheerful boy, as opposed to the stern and serious man he grew up to be.

6-X Drake is one of twelve pirates referred to as the “Worst Generation” and prior to the two-year timeskip he had a bounty of 222,000,000 Berries.

7-X Drake is the first person to be revealed to have eaten an Ancient Zoan Devil Fruit, when it’s concept is first introduced.

8-The word drake is sometimes used synonymous to dragon, especially in middle english, what is related to X Drake devil fruit. Drake infact ate the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Allosaurus (Ryū (竜?) is Japanese for “dragon”), an Ancient Zoan Devil Fruit that gives Drake the ability to transform into an Allosaurus.