We now finally have official confirmation of all of the Admiral’s sense of justice.
Sengoku – Reigning Justice. This is pretty self-explanatory. He wants to uphold justice over everything else and loves the status quo.

Sakazuki – Thorough Justice. Contrary to popular belief, Sakazuki doesn’t follow absolute justice, his personal sense of justice is thorough justice. This fits him since he always acts from the perspective of exterminating evil above all else, while everything else (protecting the innocent, following human rights) takes second place.

Kuzan – Lazy Justice. This again is pretty self-explanatory. He believes that justice changes shape depending on the circumstances and that one should have a passive stance when distributing justice since everything is complicated.

Borsalino – Unclear Justice. He just does whatever he feels like at the moment and that always comes down to following orders. There is no grand pattern or philosophy to it, he just does whatever he’s told.

Issho – Honorable Justice. He follows his honor code and acts in accordance with it. Not much else to say here, he does what he deems honorable and that’s it.

Aramaki – Deadly Justice. He believes in a natural hierarchy and in the most strict sense of justice that there is. If you go against the system, you’re worth nothing and you’ll be killed.

We even have Tsuru’s sense of justice with her Cleansing Justice of cleansing evil from the hearts of villains. It would be ironic if the theory that Sakazuki is her pupil turns out to be true since their senses of justice would be so far removed from each other.

These are all really indicative of the characters and their personalities, so it really makes you wonder what justice Garp, Coby, Smoker, Drake, Helmeppo and other notable marines follow. If I had to guess Garp will be something like “Free Justice” and Coby will end up with “True Justice” since he seems like a parallel to Luffy who will end up as the quintessential peace-main pirate.
Does anyone have any guesses?