#10 – Edward Weevil

Edward Weevil, or “Whitebeard Jr.”, is the self-proclaimed son of “Whitebeard” Edward Newgate and one of the Shichibukai.
His powers have been praised by Kizaru who compared his abilities to that of a younger Whitebeard, his alleged father. He was able to single-handedly defeat 16 pirate crews affiliated with Whitebeard, including the A.O Pirates, without taking a single injury.
Like his alleged father Whitebeard, Weevil wields a naginata as a weapon of choice.
He possesses the ability to use both Busoshoku and Kenbunshoku Haki.
#9 – Roronoa Zoro

Zoro is an extremely powerful master swordsman, being able to use one, two, and three swords in varying attack styles. He has immense superhuman physical prowess, particularly his strength and agility. He is generally considered to be above his peer and rival Vinsmoke Sanji, but just below the Straw Hat captain, Luffy.
To match his incredible strength, Zoro also has an immense tolerance to pain and astonishing amounts of stamina and endurance.
Zoro is one of the few people in the world who is capable of using all three forms of Haki.
Busoshoku Haki is Zoro’s main expertise concerning Haki, which has proven to be extremely proficient in, having mastered imbuement under Mihawk over the two-year timeskip, almost always using it in serious battles. He could imbue all three swords with Haki, turning them all into black blades.
Zoro can also use Kenbunshoku Haki and especially Haoshoku Haki, a very rare form of Haki whose users are stated to have the qualities of a king.
In Wano Zoro strengthened his “Kyutoryu: Asura” using Busoshoku and Haoshoku Haki, which allowed him to leave a permanent scar on Kaido in his hybrid-dragon form.
#8 – “Flower Sword” Vista

“Flower Sword” Vista is the 5th division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. He is one of the most prominent members of his crew.
Vista has extraordinary mastery in dual wielding swordsmanship and even Mihawk acknowledges his skills. He even managed to deflect Mihawk’s flying slash attack which is powerful enough to cut through battleships. In the anime, he was also able to block bullets with his swords to protect his allies from being shot while escaping.
Another indication of his strength is that during the Battle of Marineford, despite having fought against individual Shichibukai and Admirals as well as numerous Marine officers, he sustained no significant injuries.
He possesses the ability to use both Busoshoku and Kenbunshoku Haki.
#7 – Lucky Roo

Lucky Roo is one of Yonko Shanks’ most important men. He’s the first person to kill someone both in the anime and the manga, by shooting a mountain bandit in the head at point blank range.
During Romance Dawn, we see one of Higuma’s men pointing a gun at Shanks’ head, then after Shanks warns him suddenly Lucky Roo appears and shoots him. Now here’s the question, how can a big man like that go there that quickly without being noticed? It is likely that he is based on Lucky Luke (a fictional cowboy -gunfighter- from the “Lucky Luke” Franco-Belgian comic book) that is known as “The man who shoots faster than his shadow”.
Lucky Roo he’s supposed to be a Haki master or, anyway, a master in something different; in particular, many speculated that he uses a technique called “Life Return”. In this case, Lucky Roo eats so much because he is storing energy for a battle. Life Return gives him the ability to control his body; this can be used to turn fat into muscle, or just turn fat into energy.
#6 – Benn Beckman

Benn Beckman has the highest IQ of anyone in the East Blue. Across his voyages he’s learned a lot of experience, with an incredibly advanced intellect and great thinking capabilities.
When the Red Hair Pirates arrived at Marineford to stop the war, Beckman was able to climb on to a Marine ship’s mast and sit on it, all the while pointing his flintlock at Kizaru, without the latter noticing. Admiral Kizaru chose not to fight him, even though he had just fought the First Commander of Whitebeard’s crew and Whitebeard himself.
According to “One Piece: Vivre Card Databook” Benn Beckman is almost as strong as Shanks! His card says that Benn is incredible powerful in terms of physical combat. The card even says that “Comparable to Red Hair’s, this man’s existence is feared by even the powerful warriors of the New World!!”