Tama has eaten an unnamed Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows her to create “dango” from her cheeks. Any animal that eats them will become tame and subservient to Tama, obeying all her orders and defending her.

While the dangos usually don’t work on humans, either in taming or quelling hunger, humans who have consumed a SMILE Devil Fruit are susceptible to being tamed due to being part animal; it is unknown if this also applies to normal Zoan users.

Recently, Tama has been reintroduced into the story. During the Fire Festival, she went to Onigashima by sneaking onto an enemy ship with Komachiyo and Hihimaru and arrived just in time to rescue Nami and Usopp from Ulti and Page One.

Obviously, Tama was introduced into the story into the first place because her Paramecia Devil Fruit can tame animals. In addition, we’ve seen that it can work on Gifters too (Speed).

Something that I think many people are overlooking is the fact that so many SMILE Users are being introduced in an official way. Not just like “I’m snake man, fear me!”. This leads me to believe that they will be important later.

The way they will become relevant you ask? Who just showed up to the fight? Otama! Especially because she is with Ussop right now, she gives him ammo and bam all the Gifters within his range are now allies.