Something that I’ve just realised, recently we were introduced to two people who claim or seem to be able to see the future.

The old witch in chapter 965 says she can see the future and even orchestrated Orochi’s rise to be Shogun.

And there’s Toki. Before her death, Toki gave a prophecy to Wano Country that inspired strong hope in the former followers and retainers of the Kozuki Family and an intense fear in Kurozumi Orochi, which they interpreted that in twenty years, nine samurai would exact vengeance on Orochi in Oden’s name and open the borders of Wano Country. Anyway there is no proof of Toki being able to see the future. Her last words can be interpreted as a curse too.

Both the old witch and Toki came from outside Wano.

This explains why Orochi fully believes in Toki predictions like they are a fact when everyone else calls them superstition. Orochi literally knows that these future predictions are a fact since his rise to power was also a future prediction so he has first hand proof that these predictions come true.

What’s interesting is that Orochi is living proof that predictions and prophecies come true and yet he is also convinced that he can stop Toki’s prophecy from coming true. The man is a walking contradiction but of course that’s why he’s a villain, his hypocrisy.
*by ImmaIvanoM