I don’t get why people think Whitebeard’s Commanders are any weaker than the other Yonko Commanders.

Whitebeard’s Commanders are not only strong, but they’re also plenty. There are 16 Commanders, and obviously not all of them are extremely strong but they’re still formidable. Safe to say that the weakest WB Commander isn’t fodder, compared to Kaido’s and Big Mom’s crew where there are only a few actually powerful people and the rest might as well not be there.

It’s not like any other Commander would’ve done better against the Admirals unless we’re talking about Shanks’ crew which is known as the most well-balanced and impenetrable crew among the four Yonko crews with Benn Beckman, Lucky Roo and Yasopp, that are all noted to be big names themselves.

So let’s run the feats Whitebeard’s Commanders offer to us.

Marco has the Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix devil fruit which allows him to transform into a phoenix, granting him the ability to fly. His control over his hybrid form is so great that he can transform individual parts of his body, being able to remove his hands and feet from his transformation when necessary.

The greatest ability derived from his Devil Fruit however, is being able to regenerate and heal parts of his injured body by simply enveloping them with the flames of his phoenix form. In this form he can endure deadly attacks without being affected in the slightest, since it can heal any would almost instantly (It can also heal the wounds of others, even if more limited).

Marco was thus able to block a barrage of simultaneous laser beams from Kizaru, and even intercepted, with the help of Busoshoku Haki, Akainu’s magma punch, an attack that was so damaging it burned and eventually took the life of the fire Logia-user Ace; the latter feat suggests that phoenix flames are superior to Akainu’s magma and Ace’s fire, or this could have just been due to Marco’s healing powers.

Marco definitely demonstrated in the Marineford war that he was on a similar level of fighting as the three Admirals. He was fully capable of fighting Admirals Kizaru, Aokiji, and Akainu while holding his own.

Jozu has outstanding brute strength. He picked up and hurled an immense iceberg at a great distance at the Giant Squad Marines protecting Marineford. Thus, Jozu has demonstrated one of the greatest feats of strength seen in the series.

Jozu ate the Kira Kira no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to transform parts and most likely all of his body, into diamond.
Jozu’s powers give him the ability to greatly increase his offensive and defensive capabilities, as his already strong physical attacks are enhanced by the density of his diamond body. His defenses seem to enhance exponentially, as he is able to block the strongest slash in the world from the world’s greatest swordsman, Shichibukai Dracule Mihawk, with no visible damage to himself, as diamond is one of the hardest substances in the world, along with Seastone and the Poneglyphs.

Despite his massive body, his speed and reflexes are on par with his brute force. This speed, combined with his Haki, makes Jozu (especially when he’s in his Diamond form) particularly dangerous against Logia users. He launched a devastating surprise attack against Crocodile that knocked him a great distance back. Later, he launched another surprise attack against Admiral Aokiji, which shattered his ice form and caused the Admiral to bleed from the mouth.


Vista has tremendous physical strength as he is able to match against Dracule Mihawk, who is known as the strongest swordsman in the world.
Vista has extraordinary mastery in dual wielding swordsmanship and even Mihawk acknowledges his skills. He even managed to deflect Mihawk’s flying slash attack which is powerful enough to cut through battleships.

So we straight up see him clashing equally with Mihawk several times, but we can’t realy tell if Mihawk is holding back or not. I still say that this guy is extremely strong simply because Mihawk knows him without ever fighting him, so it means he recognizes that he’s a swordsman and would pose a challange somewhat.
Another indication of his strength is that during the Battle of Marineford, despite having fought against individual Shichibukai and admirals as well as numerous Marine officers, he sustained no significant injuries.

Ace was strong enough to be acknowledged by the Yonko Shanks and Blackbeard, with the former saying he had earned his spot as Whitebeard’s second division commander. It was revealed that Ace received an invitation to join the Shichibukai at 17 years old!
Ace demonstrated his strength during his battle with Blackbeard: he was able to take Blackbeard’s punches, which were so powerful that the first made Ace cough up blood and the second nearly broke his neck, and retaliate quickly afterwards. Oda skipped a couple of parts of the fight but those two were destroying the island bit by bit. Van Augur noted that, as expected of the Whitebeard Pirates 2nd Division Commander, Ace’s basic combat skills were quite formidable even without his Devil Fruit powers.

Ace fought equally with Jinbe for 5 days which is extremely physically overwhelming, showing Ace has incredible levels of stamina, only top tiers have been shown to fight for days e.g. Admirals, Shanks, Mihawk etc even Luffy’s longest battle has only been 12 hours or so.
It’s been revealed through the Ace novels that Ace could use Armament Haki, which he awakened mid-fight against a vice admiral and it was STRONGER than the vice admiral’s own haki.
Ace’s Haki had been described by Shanks and Benn Beckman to be fiery in nature, to the point that Ace’s very presence was able to stop blizzards on an island for as long as he was there. As such, when he turned up on Drum Island, no snow fell at all on the island for an entire day.

I haven’t seen any other Yonko Commander that’s as impressive as these dudes. If there’s anyone who shouldn’t be underestimated, it should be these guys right here.
Ace was at least as talented as Luffy and he had the potential to become the Pirate King.
Marco would probably outlast every Yonko Commander, Jozu would probably overpower every Yonko Commander, and Vista maybe the same.
*by Dreambokek