Today’s we will be dissecting the Bari Bari no Mi as wielded by Bartolomeo, and look into potential weaknesses and short comings of his abilities.
Before I get into weaknesses, let me briefly summerize what we know the fruit is capable of…
For this speculation I will be operating under the assumption that the shields are unbreakable by outside forces, and Haki.
That doesn’t mean other DF can compromise the barriers integrity but I’ll get to that later.
What we know the fruit can do:
Create unbreakable barriers in various shapes and sizes, for offensive and defensive applications.



Unconventional shapes
He also has the ability to reshape barriers, and move them telepathically
Known weakness/shortcommings:
Sound– the barriers do not stop sound, so musical, hypnosis enemies like Brook, Apoo, or even just really loud explosions, are capable of getting through to damage the ear drums.
Surface area of attack– if the attack exceeds his barriers surface area, or is something like an explosion, or Katakuri’s liquid mochi That Won’t stop, or can flow around then his defense can be bypassed.
Fingers– Bartolomeo is one of several DF wielders plagued by a specific finger or hand position, nessicary to use his DF. Break his fingers or cut them off and he will have the most useless DF in existence.
Now that we have covered all we know, let’s get Into what or who I think has advantages against unbreakable barriers, and other possible weaknesses.
Light or beam based abilities:
Given the translucent nature of the barriers we know light can penetrate to some extent. Opponents with light based or beam based weaponry should have some sort of efectivity.
Borsolino, pacifistas, Franky, Foxy.
Even if the barriers refract light, it will still be able to penetrate. And since we haven’t seen the barriers to have a mirror sheen I think the beams could alter intensity when passing, and alter direction, but still will get through.
On the inverse I think if the beam has Haki mixed with it, it won’t pass through.
Sight/visual techniques:
Techniques that effect the users eyes, or are connected to vision, and hypnosis.
Jango, Boa Hancock, other visual hypnosis potential snake neck ability.
These abilities are triggerd by looking at the opponent, and take advantage of the clear barriers.
Phasing/dimensional abilities:
Perona, Brook, Bluno, potential character with kitty pryde X-men ability.
Characters like Perona and Brook have the ability to phase through solid objects, and maybe even Barto shields. Bluno should be able to create a door on the shield comprising it (think grocery sliding door Lol)
Temperature extremists/emviromenral manipulators:
Oven, Kuzan, Akainu, Monet, Fujitora, Blackbeard
Even If Barto made a perfect cube defense, the opponents Can create a literal oven or freezer, just by Changing the surronding area, and increasing or lowering the temperature inside the cube.
The shields can’t block gravity, BB pulling or fujitora squishing would still be effective.
Abilites that may compromise integrity, or conflicting DF’s:
This one is the most speculative, and kinda confusing…
So I believe that if the barrier was struck by Whitebeard’s Quake punch it wouldn’t break, but if WB approached a barrier put his hands to it and used his DF on the barrier directly it may break.
Same for like Gladius, the barrier will block small explosions, and explosive objects all day, but if Gladius can use his ability on the barrier it could explode.
Abilities like kanjuro, or Jora, they have art that can effect the world or come alive, they may have the ability to create doors windows etc.
Abilities that may actually weaken things, we have seen things like the more more fruit, rust rust, etc. If a break break, or a less less fruit existed by their nature they should nullify the integrity.
Barto has one great defensive tool, but rookies who rely too heavily on their DF don’t live long in the New World!
*Theory by Portgas D. Xatch