This has obviously been discussed before but it got way more likely after Chapter 1054. Shanks decides not to reunite with Luffy just yet, but instead decides to go after Bartolomeo, who has been ravaging their territory.

First, it would be pretty disappointing if their meeting happened with Shanks just strolling by after Luffy accomplishes something and him going “hey man, great work, you are a great pirate now”. Oda had the opportunity for this in Wano and it’s pretty clear he isn’t going that way. Second, while Shanks was the one who taught Luffy the freedom of the pirate life, he was also the first one to teach him the harsh responsibilities pirates have since Chapter 1.

Considering this and what we saw in Chapter 1054, it’s pretty clear that Shanks isn’t gonna led Bartolomeo’s actions slide. He caused ruckus in a place protected by him and disrespected his crew’s accomplishments.

That said, I think the meet up between Shanks and Luffy will happen in context that Shanks will deal with Bartolomeo and other Grand Fleet Commanders and Luffy will be called into helping them. “The Big incident caused by the Straw Hat Grand Fleet” hinted by the narrator in Chapter 800 is the confrontation between these 2 Yonko.

*by great_thunder01