Of all of Wano, Drake is a disappointment, he was hyped up for a long time, targeting Kaido before the time-skip and in the beginning of Wano, he was hyped up as being one of the most powerful of Kaido’s men and then showing off his power by one shooting Juki.

But after that it’s all down hill, he has beaten all of no one of importance, he got no major fight, he failed to defeat Apoo, he was easily knocked by Yamato, he didn’t stop CP0, he didn’t get the antibodies even. His biggest contributing factor was keep Apoo busy.

I was hopping he would eventually join the fight against Kaido or Big Mom for Kid and Luffy to fight Kaido but that’s not gonna happen and if it did, Drake would just slow them down. I hope the rest of the Worst Generation, get a power up so they remain relevant to the high tier we are entering. Cause Drake getting trashed with help from Apoo and Inbi, who was also disappointing, while Izo held his own and even beat one and severely injured the other, has me dropping Drake way lower on the powerscale seeing as he couldn’t even beat the guy while he was injured and not paying attention, like he had a free shot to end him and he failed. Just so disappointed in how Drake turned out.

*by CrimsonRedd3639