The Red Hair Pirates are the first pirate crew to appear in the manga series and second to appear (next to the Alvida Pirates) in the animated series One Piece. They are the main influences of both Luffy’s (Shanks inspired Luffy) and Usopp’s (wants to become a brave warrior of the sea like his father Yasopp) journeys.

Though much of the crews’ hierarchy remains uncertain, Shanks is identified as the groups Leader and as such maintains overall authority. Just below him and the next most senior are his three officers(Benn Beckman, Lucky Roo and Yasopp), all of whom have become infamous in their own right. The remainder of the crew is comprised of members with notable bounties themselves, who together share a great deal of trust in their leader, making for a well-balanced and unassailable crew.

The Red Hair Pirates are the only Yonko crew so far that does not have any known crew members that are Devil Fruit users. A clue to the crew’s strength is that the World Government greatly fears what would happen if the Red Hair Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates joined up. Right after their battle with Kaido in the New World, they sailed to Marineford in just one day.

When Shanks and his crew finally showed up at Marineford, with words alone they were able to bring the war to halt. The captain was able to rescue Coby from Admiral Akainu’s attack with only a clash of his sword. Even the arrogant Blackbeard (who strengthened his crew and had two Devil Fruits) avoided engaging Shanks’ crew, simply saying they were not ready to fight them yet.

According to the Marines, the Red Hair Pirates crew is the most well-balanced and impenetrable crew among the four Yonko crews!

The crew also seems to have no female members that have appeared before or after the time skip.

It’s revealed, that the Red Hair Pirates have subordinate crews under their banner, but it’s unknown how many or who they may be.