The Evolution of the Straw Hat Pirates Bounties from 1997 to 2023
Straw Hat Monkey D. Luffy

- First bounty: 30,000,000 Berries for defeating the three top pirates of East Blue; Buggy, Don Krieg, and Arlong. Usopp was also in the picture, but only the back of his head was seen.
- Second bounty: After the events in Arabasta, Luffy‘s bounty increased to 100,000,000 Berries for defeating Crocodile of the Seven Warlords of the Sea and exposing his plan to conquer the kingdom, thus disrupting the balance of the Three Great Powers.
- Third bounty: Luffy’s bounty increased again to 300,000,000 Berries for orchestrating the assault on Enies Lobby, declaring war against the World Government and defeating CP9 members, Blueno and Rob Lucci, all of which was to save Nico Robin. With this bounty, Luffy was officially recognized as part of the Worst Generation.
- Fourth bounty: Luffy’s bounty increased yet again to 400,000,000 Berries for some or all of the following: defeating Gecko Moria of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, punching Saint Charlos of the World Nobles, breaking into and out of Impel Down along with 241 prisoners, participating in the Summit War of Marineford against the Marines in-order to save Portgas D. Ace, ringing the Ox Bell (which was taken as an act of war), and being publicly recognized as Ace’s adoptive brother, grandson of the legendary Marine Vice Admiral Garp and finally as the son of the Revolutionary Dragon.
- Fifth bounty: After the events at Dressrosa, Luffy’s bounty increased to 500,000,000 Berries for defeating both Caesar Clown and Donquixote Doflamingo of the Seven Warlords of the Sea as well as forming an alliance with the Heart Pirates. His picture had also been updated.
- Sixth bounty: After the events at Totto Land, Luffy’s bounty made a most staggering increase to 1,500,000,000 Berries for invading Emperor Big Mom’s territory, attempting to assassinate her, destroying her castle, defeating two of her Sweet Commanders, Cracker and Katakuri, and being publicly recognized as the sworn brother of the Revolutionary Army’s Chief of Staff, Sabo as well as the leader of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet.
- Seventh bounty: After the events at Wano Country, Luffy’s bounty was raised to 3,000,000,000 Berries for leading the Raid on Onigashima and defeating Kaidou of the Four Emperors. Following this victory, Luffy was officially recognized as an Emperor himself. Furthermore, to the dismay of the Five Elders, Luffy’s new bounty photo shows his awakened form to the whole world, as the marines did not receive the order to remove the D in his name.
Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro

- First bounty: Zoro gained his first bounty of 60,000,000 Berries in Arabasta for defeating Daz Bonez and 100 bounty hunters in Whisky Peak.
- Second bounty: 120,000,000 Berries for his involvement with his fellow Straw Hats in the Enies Lobby Incident and for defeating Kaku of the CP9. With this bounty, he was recognized as a member of the Worst Generation alongside Luffy.
- Third bounty: 320,000,000 Berries for his involvement with helping take down ex-Warlord of the Sea Donquixote Doflamingo and defeating elite officer Pica of the Donquixote Pirates. His picture had been updated as well.
- Fourth bounty: 1,111,000,000 Berries for his role in ousting the Beast Pirates from Wano and defeating the All-Star and Kaido’s right-hand man, King. With his captain now named as one of the Four Emperors, Zoro was named as one of Luffy’s nine commanders as well as every other member of the crew.
Cat Burglar Nami

- First bounty: For her involvement with her fellow crew members in Enies Lobby and for defeating Kalifa of the CP9, Nami is recognized as a threat by the World Government and is given a bounty of 16,000,000 Berries. While most of the other Straw Hats are impressed at having bounties, Nami does not particularly like being a wanted person. Her picture was taken under the false pretense of a reporter wanting to take her picture for a magazine, hence the suggestive pose.
- Second bounty: After the events on Dressrosa, Nami’s bounty has increased to 66,000,000 Berries with a new picture with a pose like her past one.
- Third bounty: After the events at Raid on Onigashima, Nami’s bounty was increased to 366,000,000 Berries for defeating Ulti of the Beast Pirates. With her captain now officially an emperor, Nami was named as one of Luffy’s nine commanders, like every other member of the crew.
God Usopp

- First bounty: For his involvement with his fellow crew members in Enies Lobby, specifically burning the World Government flag and sniping off marines on the Bridge of Hesitation, Usopp was recognized as a threat by the World Government and is given a bounty of 30,000,000 Berries. However, due to Usopp disguising himself as Sogeking at the time, the authorities have attributed Usopp’s bounty to his Sogeking persona. While most people would easily recognize Usopp as Sogeking, Luffy, Chopper, and the people of Usopp’s village (except for Kaya and the former Usopp Pirates) do not realize that they are both the same person. Later, during the Straw Hats’ battle with Oars, the latter ignores Usopp as he did not recognize him as Sogeking. After the timeskip, when the Straw Hats’ return makes newspaper headlines, there was a slight change. The picture underneath Sogeking’s name shows Usopp without his mask during his reunion with Nami. This indicates that the Marines know he is Sogeking, but either do not know his real name or did not bother to change it.
- Second bounty: After helping take down ex-Warlord of the Sea Donquixote Doflamingo, knocking out officer Sugar of the Donquixote Pirates and for saving the enslaved people of Dressrosa, Usopp’s bounty had increased to 200,000,000 Berries. It has not yet been specified if this is an updated poster of Sogeking or simply another one. The second bounty change does have a new title and image for Usopp, the title is God Usopp while his poster shows a beaten and bloody image of his face. It should be noted that Usopp’s high bounty and new title of God were influenced by Doflamingo, who held his own bounty game to hunt down his enemies while the Straw Hats were on Dressrosa. Usopp was named as “God” during the hunt and given the highest bounty due to his defeat of Sugar causing the biggest disruption to Doflamingo’s operations, which has possibly skewed the World Government’s view of his combat strength.
- Third bounty: After the events at Raid on Onigashima, Usopp’s bounty was increased to 500,000,000 Berries for his role in defeating the Beast Pirates. Additionally, Usopp was named as one of Luffy’s nine commanders along with the rest of the crew.
Black Leg Vinsmoke Sanji

- First bounty: For his involvement with his fellow crew members in Enies Lobby, for defeating Jabra of the CP9, and for closing the Gates of Justice, Sanji is recognized as a threat by the World Government and is given a bounty of 77,000,000 Berries. However, because Attach of the Marines forgot to remove the lens cap when taking the picture, a proper picture of Sanji was not taken. Instead, a crude drawing of a person that barely looks like him is substituted. This incident, along with other incidents involving the picture, is part of a running gag concerning how Sanji is rarely publicly recognized because of his bounty image.
- Second bounty: After the events on Dressrosa, Sanji’s bounty increased to 177,000,000 Berries, and the picture on the poster has changed to display his real face (albeit with a perverted, lovestruck expression). However, with the bounty change came a change of capture; at the instigation of his family, the condition for redeeming his bounty has been changed to “Only Alive,” making it unique among all known bounties in the world.
- Third bounty: After fighting off members of the Big Mom Pirates in Totto Land, aiding in the plan to assassinate Big Mom herself, and after having his connections to Germa 66 and the Vinsmoke Family revealed to the public, Sanji’s bounty greatly increased to 330,000,000 Berries. His name has updated to “Vinsmoke Sanji,” (much to his disappointment due to his hatred of his family) and the condition for redeeming his bounty changed back to “Dead or Alive.”
- Fourth bounty: Sanji received a bounty of 1,032,000,000 Berries for his role in defeating the All Star Queen of the Beast Pirates during the Raid on Onigashima. With his captain now officially an emperor, he was named as one of Luffy’s nine commanders.
Cotton Candy Lover Tony Tony Chopper

- First bounty: Despite his involvement with his fellow crew members in Enies Lobby and defeating Kumadori of the CP9, Chopper gets mistaken for a simple pet due to his normal size and appearance. Therefore, he is not considered much of a threat to the World Government, and was given a measly 50 Berries bounty.
- Second bounty: After the events on Dressrosa, Chopper’s bounty had increased to 100 Berries. Just like Nami’s new poster, Chopper’s new bounty picture is quite similar in appearance to his old one.
- Third bounty: After the events on Onigashima, Chopper’s bounty was increassed to 1,000 Berries. He is also now officially recognized as a doctor and was named as one of Luffy’s nine commanders, but still retains his pet status.
Devil Child Nico Robin

While a cover story is given to the general public to explain Robin‘s initial bounty, the actual reason is because the World Government sees her ability to read poneglyphs as a threat to world safety. After joining up with the Straw Hats, however, the government’s view of her becomes more genuine.
- First bounty: 79,000,000 Berries for sinking six Buster Call battleships (in truth, for her ability to read poneglyphs.)
- Second bounty: 80,000,000 Berries for her involvement with her fellow Straw Hats in the Enies Lobby incident (her wanted poster also gains a new picture).
- Third bounty: 130,000,000 Berries after helping take down ex-Warlord of the Sea Donquixote Doflamingo and the Donquixote Pirates.
- Fourth bounty: 930,000,000 Berries for defeating Black Maria of the Beast Pirates during the Raid on Onigashima, as well as for the increased threat her knowledge of the Poneglyphs has now. Additionally, she was named as one of Luffy’s nine commanders.
Iron Man Franky

- First bounty: While his gang’s involvement in the invasion of Enies Lobby is overlooked, Franky’s own involvement with the Straw Hats is recognized. Along with burning the blueprints for Pluton and defeating Fukurou of the CP9, Franky is recognized as a threat by the World Government and is given a bounty of 44,000,000 Berries.
- Second bounty: After helping take down ex-Warlord of the Sea Donquixote Doflamingo, and for defeating officer Senor Pink of the Donquixote Pirates, Franky’s bounty has increased to 94,000,000 Berries. Despite this increase, however, Franky is greatly upset by the fact that not only has his bounty not reached the 100,000,000 milestone and is now lower than Usopp’s bounty but that they replaced his previous bounty picture with a photo of the General Franky instead.
- Third bounty: For defeating Sasaki of the Beasts Pirates, Franky’s bounty had increased to 394,000,000 Berries and he was named as one of Luffy’s nine commanders like every other member of the crew. Despite this increase, however, Franky’s bounty picture was again replaced with a photo of the Thousand Sunny much to his annoyance.
Soul King Brook

- First bounty: In his previous life, Brook had gained a bounty of 33,000,000 Berries for piracy. This bounty and the picture accompanying it was issued fifty years ago. After the timeskip, he decided to quit his rock star life to return to his friends, and during his very last concert, Brook’s managers tried to sell him out to the Marines, allowing them to connect Brook’s skeletal appearance to the picture in the wanted poster. They also learned of his connection to the Straw Hats. As a result, Brook’s bounty has become active once again after fifty years, and he has been publicly outed to the world once again as a pirate.
- Second bounty: After the events in Dressrosa, Brook’s bounty has now been updated after fifty years, with his new bounty being increased to 83,000,000 Berries, and with the addition of one of his old concert posters being used as his bounty picture. Also, Brook’s new poster is now officially under the title of his stage name, “Soul King” Brook.
- Third bounty: After the events on Wano, Brook’s bounty was raised to 383,000,000 Berries for helping prevent CP0 capturing his crewmate Robin well as his role in defeating the Beast Pirates. He was also named as one of Luffy’s nine commanders as well as every other official member of the crew.
Knight of the Sea Jinbe

- First bounty: Jinbe was issued a bounty on the amount of 76,000,000 Berries while he was a member of the Sun Pirates under Fisher Tiger.
- Second bounty: After Tiger’s death, Jinbe became the new captain of the Sun Pirates. With the title, his bounty increased to 250,000,000 Berries. It was frozen due to Jinbe joining the Seven Warlords of the Sea.
- Third Bounty: During the two-year timeskip, after refusing to participate alongside the Marines, for breaking out of Impel Down, for participating in the Summit War of Marineford alongside Whitebeard and his allies, and ultimately for Jinbe’s resignation from the Seven Warlords of the Sea, his bounty was not only unfrozen and reinstated, but increased as well. It currently stands at 438,000,000 Berries.
- Fourth Bounty: After officially joining the crew and defeating Who’s-Who of the Beast Pirates during the Raid on Onigashima, Jinbe’s bounty was increased to 1,100,000,000 Berries, and he was named as one of Luffy’s nine commanders.