I like how Kaido said that he wouldn’t mind dying against the Scabbards if they were as strong as Oden, implying that he didn’t mind dying last time either, but at same time he doesn’t give the win so easily, he wants a worthy opponent.

Kaido’s comment on how there will be no Samurai as monstrous as Oden clearly hints at Zoro proving himself superior to Scabbards & being the one who at least re-opens Kaido’s Wound but i believe he will do even more for one simple reason, he is “Santoryu User”!

In other words, for Zoro to become the World’s Strongest Swordsman, he doesn’t need to recreate Oden’s feat only but he also needs to prove his Santoryu Style is the best and not Nitoryu Style like the Scabbards mentioned before.

Kaido is truly the strongest creature, he is against the nine strongest Samurai in Wano (some of them could even defeat his Calamities) and despite they have enough mastery in Advanced Armament Haki to hurt him, they couldn’t do nothing against him! And the worst part, is that they are fighting against Kaido’s Dragon Form which is obviously his slowest form!!

So far Kaido showed Fire, Lightning and Wind, it was also stated that he can create Clouds, i wonder what’s next!

It’s looking more and more like Luffy will come to the scene just as the Scabbards have been defeated. Kaido also keeps comparing the Scabbards to Oden and how their swords skills don’t compare to his.

Obvious implication that Zoro will indeed have an interaction of sorts with Kaido later.
*by Salah Eddine