Lately I’ve been seeing a whole lot of people angry the Yonko aren’t fodderizing everyone not named Luffy or Zoro. People are pissed that Kid and Law, two pirates consistently portrayed as Luffy’s rivals/peers, are managing to be a threat to Big Mom when working together.

Yes Kaido took more damage, but Luffy is 1v1ing him now and Kid and Law are 2v1ing, and most of the Scabbards only did scratch damage at best.

Speaking of the Scabbards, people are angry at Kin’emon surviving Kaido’s club strike. There’s reason to be mad at the fakeout death scene and the Law split shenanigans, but some people are upset that Kin’emon was able to survive the initial unnamed club strike. Despite him surviving similar attacks on the roof, being one of the most powerful countries top fighter and being strong enough to cut Kaido when it took Zoro his strongest move to do so.

Why are people mad that Kid and Law are fighting well against Big Mom? Why are people mad that the Scabbards don’t turn into meat chunk clouds on hit from Kaido? Why are people mad that there exists characters other than the Straw Hats and the villains they fight with enough power to matter to the story? Do you all want Luffy to turn into Goku, where he leaves behind everyone not named Vegeta and the current villain?

How boring that would be. One of the best parts of One Piece is the world building and how bad for the story would it be if no one but the Straw Hats and whoever they are fighting are the only players with enough power to matter to the story. That was DBZ’s biggest complaint and people want it to happen to One Piece. The fact that Kid and Law are strong enough to challenge an Emperor and that one of the strongest samurai from one of the strongest lands in the series can survive fighting one is a good thing. Kin’emon having a death scene then surviving via gag is not but still.

*by ryumaruborike