The real Kuma (Iron Giant) is on Egghead and will save Bonney
The Iron Giant is a legendary robot that attacked Mary Geoise 200 years ago. It was originally created 900 years ago, around the time of the Void Century. It was inactive due to running out of energy, and is kept on Egghead.

Personally, I don’t think Nika is gonna be the one who saves Bonney since it seems that it’s been set up since the start of Egghead that the one who’s gonna save Bonney is the “Iron Giant”(Kuma). After hearing the Drums of Liberation from Luffy activating his Gear 5 form against Borsalino, the Iron Giant powered back online.

In one of the previous chapters we saw that Kuma wasn’t responding when Dragon was talking with him.

I’m 99% sure that Kuma’s mind was swapped with the Iron Giant mind. Because there’s one character that we know of that tried to actually invade Mary Geoise, which is the Iron Giant 200 years ago. He was programmed to attack this location, but he ran out of energy. That’s why “Kuma” didn’t recognize Dragon or anyone else, and instead, he just straight rushed towards Mary Geoise, and he couldn’t even recognize Akainu.

This means that the one who’s gonna save Bonney is technically not the Iron Giant but Kuma himself in the body of the Iron Giant.
*Theory by williamson41