Finally, we come to the actual theory. Either the World Government got hold of some intel about the location of the Yami Yami no Mi and asked Who’s Who to retrieve and guard it, or, Who’s Who just got his own intel and wanted to bring the special fruit to the World Government to impress them – all in order to beat his rival, Lucci. However, what they got was false information. It was actually not the Yami Yami fruit, but it was a similar looking, ordinary fruit, the Gomu Gomu.

I mean.. it’s possible some uninformed agent with bad eyesight could come up with the wrong conclusion too.
Who’s Who arrived at the scene, knew it was not the devil fruit they wanted, but then either 2 things happened:
- He kept it and wanted that information hidden from the World Government in hopes that it would be enough to fool them, again because he wanted an upper hand to beat Lucci;
- Before he was even able to report to the World Government about it, he got attacked;

In any case, somewhere, someone else got hold of this intel – Shanks. Remember, there’s something about Shanks that allowed him to stop the Marineford War and have a discussion with the Gorosei, so he could’ve used that to get this intel. And, as established in our assumptions, Shanks wanted this fruit too. So, when Who’s Who was going back to Mary Geoise or some World Government office, Shanks and crew attacked the ship that they thought had the Yami Yami no Mi, but what they got instead was the Gomu Gomu no Mi. Shanks was disappointed, but it’s still a Devil Fruit, so they decided to keep it anyway.

Who’s Who recovered and continued having failed to secure the fruit. The World Government at this point thought it was the Yami Yami no Mi, and even when Who’s Who explained that it was not the fruit they were looking for, at that point they just wouldn’t believe him anymore. After all, there was no assurance he didn’t just cover up his mistake or sold the fruit to another dealer, so they locked him up in prison. At this point, only Who’s Who and the Red Hair Pirates knew the truth.

Meanwhile, the Red Hair Pirates also continued on their journey, taking a break in Foosha Village. They got drunk and careless, and left the chest containing the Gomu Gomu out for one Monkey D. Luffy to accidentally eat. If this was indeed the Yami Yami no Mi as they had hoped, I don’t think they would’ve been that careless. Sometime later (not sure actually), Thatch of the Whitebeard Pirates got hold of the real Yami Yami no Mi, and was killed by his own member, Teach.

What are your thoughts?
*Theory by mugiwara528