
The Secret of Kaido’s Devil Fruit


I’ve seen some debate about whether or not Kaido is living up to the ‘Strongest Creature Alive’ descriptor which accompanies his introduction in Chapter 795, titled ‘Suicide’.


Although Kaido has proven to be incredibly powerful, we have also seen him nearly defeated by Kozuki Oden and wounded by Kinemon.

Accordingly, some doubt has been cast on whether Kaido is truly as powerful as was previously implied. I think what this boils down to is perhaps an intentional misdirect.


If anyone would rather listen than read, here’ s the video version of the theory:


Although the text box which appears in the final panel of chapter 795 describes him as the ‘strongest creature alive,’ Kaido’s introduction also makes it clear that he is not unbeatable. Kaido has suffered defeat as a pirate seven times. He has been captured by Marines or enemy ships 18 times. He has been tortured and lived as a prisoner. He was sentenced to death forty times. When he was hanged, the rope snapped. When he was put under the guillotine, the blade cracked. His hobby has been attempting suicide. Kaido is not undefeatable, but he is un-killable, and I think there is a very clear and important distinction between the two.

We finally got a clue as to why Kaido can’t be killed in chapter 970. Oden is about to deliver a finishing blow when Higarushi, without Kaido’s authority, imitates Momonosuke, diverting Oden’s attention. Pure, dumb luck saves Kaido from death.

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