I believe that before Wano ends, we’ll see Big Mom betray Kaido and / or Kaido betray Big Mom. I’d like to get my prediction down in writing now, before we see whether or not it’s coming true.

I’ve got three reasons for believing this: the realistic, the thematic, and the pragmatic.
1-The Realistic
Imagine you’re Kaido or Big Mom. You’re a ruthless monster. You’ll do anything and betray anyone. You’re almost invincible, but there are a rare few people who can stand in your way. One of those people is standing next to you, fighting alongside you against some kids that you barely take seriously as threats.

If the kids prove surprisingly effective, and put your “ally” in a vulnerable position…wouldn’t you take that chance? It’s a golden opportunity to destroy one of your worst enemies. Sure, it’ll make it a little harder to crush the kids, but whatever. They’re not the real danger to you.
As Orochi and Judge discovered, allying with the Yonko isn’t safe. Big Mom and Kaido are well-established traitors who want each other’s heads. Even if this wasn’t a story, I’d expect them to backstab each other sooner or later.
2-The Thematic
Betrayal is one of Wano’s major themes. Apoo and Hawkins betrayed Kid, Kaido betrayed Orochi, Orochi betrayed Wano, Denjiro betrayed Orochi, Kanjuro betrayed the Scabbards, and so on. It’s an arc full of stabbed backs and hidden knives.

How better to use a theme like this one, than to have the final battle hinge on it? To have Luffy win not (just) because he’s strong, but because he’s a good man who inspires great loyalty?
There’s foreshadowing, too. The most notable bit was Apoo straight up saying “Lemme fill you in. Pirate alliances? Those don’t have happy endings!” Feels like a hint from Oda, to me.
3-The Pragmatic
Do you really think Luffy and company are capable of beating down two Yonko in a straight fight?
I don’t. I think that both Big Mom and Kaido have been portrayed as so individually invincible that simply beating one of them would be spectacular. We’ve seen our strongest heroes in their strongest forms, throwing out the best attacks they can manage, and neither of them has faltered significantly. So how can they both go down?

By turning on each other, that’s how.
Moreover…the story still needs to escalate from here. When Luffy faces Shanks, it should feel like a grander challenge than this. Why would facing one Yonko be harder than facing two working together?
Because they weren’t really working together. That’s my bet, at least.

So, what do y’all think?
*by sanctaphrax