
These 5 Fights will get the most Focus from here on until the End of the Onigashima Raid


3- The Performance Floor Fights

Why? King and Queen are the Villains with most weight narratively in the Raid after Kaido and Big Mom. Both these characters being in the same area combined with the fact that now they finally have competent people to fight against, tells us that the Performance floor is going to GET INTENSE from here on out.


That means whatever happens on the peformance floor is going to get a lot more focus than anything happening outside the performance floor that does not involve Kaido or Big Mom.


2- Battle Against Big Mom

After Kaido, Big Mom is the biggest problem in Onigashima. If Big Mom is to be defeated Oda has no choice but to show the details of everything happening in this fight, because she is a Yonko. She’s not a character Oda can cut away from too long.

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1- Battle Against Kaido

This one is obvious. Kaido is the main villain so obviously he’ll always remain in the center of the action/focus in the Onigashima Raid. We’ll get updates on the fight with him every chapter from here till the end.

Oda’s Symbolism behind Luffy vs Kaido Fight

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