Kozuki Toki was the wife of the daimyo of Kuri, Kozuki Oden, and the mother of Momonosuke and Hiyori. She was killed in the fire of Kuri Castle 20 years ago.

Toki ate the Toki Toki no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Frui that allows the user to send themselves and others forward in time.

The greatest strength of the fruit is the user’s ability to transport out of dangerous situations by moving into the future. It is impossible to travel into the past, meaning that all trips forward in time are irreversible.

Toki was rumored to have been born in the distant past. During her life, she had used the Toki Toki no Mi ability to travel further and further into the future, allowing her to live in many different time periods.
She eventually met and married Kozuki Oden, the daimyo of Kuri, and gave birth to a son, Momonosuke, followed by a daughter, Hiyori.

20 years before the present day, Oden was brought to the Flower Capital and executed by the shogun Kurozumi Orochi after illegally leaving Wano Country. Toki was in Kuri Castle with Momonosuke and Hiyori when Kaido, who was working with Orochi, set it ablaze. When the retainers returned to the castle, Toki used her Devil Fruit powers to send Momonosuke and her retainers 20 years forward in time, but chose to stay behind and meet her end.

Before her death, Toki gave a prophecy to Wano Country that inspired strong hope in the former followers and retainers of the Kozuki Family and an intense fear in Kurozumi Orochi, which they interpreted that in twenty years, nine samurai would exact vengeance on Orochi in Oden’s name and open the borders of Wano Country.

Like the Moon, you are ignorant of the Dawn. If there is one ardent wish that must be fufilled, it will be when nine shadows are cast woven together through twenty years of moonlits nights. Only then shall you understand the radiance of Dawn.