In terms of combat strength, Fujitora is considered to be one of the strongest fighters within the entire World Government structure.
Fujitora is a Marine Admiral. He ate the Zushi Zushi no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to manipulate gravity around a chosen location at will by sending gravitational forces.
While other admirals have been shown to mostly rely on their Devil Fruit abilities in battle, Fujitora wields a shikomizue (a cane sword) in tandem with his Devil Fruit ability. The connection between these two factors has yet to be explained, though it seems he channels his power through the sword.
Fujitora has an extremely high level of skill in Busoshoku Haki. He could focus a strong concentration of Busoshoku Haki into his sword, turning it obsidian black and making it strong enough to defend against the razor sharp threads of the Birdcage, which can slice cannonballs and buildings with great ease.
He’s also masterful in Kenbunshoku Haki, which he uses to compensate for his blindness in battle.