Kozuki Oden was the daimyo of Kuri in Wano Country. He had tremendous physical strength since infancy and was an extremely powerful master samurai, dual wielding the legendary blades Ame no Habakiri(the sword said to be able to cut “heaven” itself) and Enma(the sword said to be able to cut to the “bottom of hell”) in a style of swordsmanship known as Daito Nitoryu.
Even 20 years after his death, Kaido acknowledges Oden as the strongest samurai, and stated his belief that there will never be another samurai who could match Oden. Oden’s strength left a big impression on Kaido who, even 20 years after Oden’s death, considers Oden as one of the very few people, alongside Rocks D. Xebec, Gol D. Roger, Edward Newgate, and Shanks, who can match him. Despite Zoro managing to leave a scar on Kaido 20 years after Oden’s death by using his strongest attack, Kaido was still standing after the attack and was totally fine as he was more concerned about Zoro being able to use Conqueror’s Haki, than the fact that Zoro scarred him, with him still calling Zoro a runt, showing Oden’s supreme mastery in terms of strength, haki, and swordsmanship over Zoro, as Oden left a massive scar on Kaidou (much bigger than the cut Zoro did 20 years later), had him screaming in pain, and knocked him to the ground, with Kaidou still speaking highly of Oden’s strength 2 decades after he died.

As the former rival of Mihawk, the “Strongest Swordsman in the World”, Shanks is an immensely skilled swordsman. Prior to losing his left arm, he competed in ruthless duels on a daily basis with Mihawk. Even after losing his arm, Shanks is able to match a blow from Whitebeard which is a testament to his prowess in swordsmanship. He is also powerful enough to easily block Akainu’s magma fist using only his sword and Busoshoku Haki. Along with his mastery of Haki, he could replicate the techniques of his former captain Roger, having enough power and skill to defeat both Kidd and Killer in a single attack.
Shanks apparently favored his left arm for combat before he lost it, as he is always seen holding his sword in his left hand during flashbacks. As such, he is presumed to have been left-handed or at least ambidextrous before losing said limb.

Roger is hailed as having been one of, if not the strongest pirate of all time, considered nearly unstoppable in battle.
Very few people are known to have ever matched Roger in battle: most prominently the legendary “Hero of the Marines” Monkey D. Garp as well as Whitebeard, who held the power of the strongest Paramecia Devil Fruit and was called the “Strongest Man in the World”, even before Roger’s death.
Another person known to rival Roger was Rocks D. Xebec who was considered to be his first and most formidable rival.
Roger was a tremendously skilled and powerful swordsman, overpowering the legendary master samurai Kozuki Oden with only one strike. He was also able to clash equally against Whitebeard’s Murakumogiri, creating a powerful shockwave that blew back everything on the island as well as the Moby Dick by the coast.

Ryuma was a legendary world-famous samurai who lived during Wano’s “Country of Gold” era centuries ago. He was revered for his mastery of swordsmanship that earned him the title Sword God, as well as his feat of slaying a dragon.
He was renowed for his immense mastery in swordsmanship. His skills resembled a mix of Kenjutsu and Battojutsu. He could slice through copper, kill Cyrano, a first-rate swordsman, and an enormous dragon with little effort.
He was renowned as the strongest swordsman of his time. Due to this, as well as his strong belief in protecting others, Ryuma was also called “King,” the swordsman who carries the world’s greatest “Warrior’s Soul”.
At some point in time after his death, he came to be known as the Sword God in Wano Country and his skills continue to be regarded as legendary.
Ryuma possessed a sword called Shusui, one of the 21 Great Swords. It is distinguished by its black blade and flower-shaped guard. Shusui was not always a “black blade”, it became one after many battles alongside its master. Due to its association with Ryuma, Shusui is considered the national treasure of Wano Country.

Mihawk is the current holder of the title, “Greatest Swordsman in the World”.
Mihawk is one of the most powerful pirates to appear so far, possessing incredible skill in battle. Part of Mihawk’s reputation as the most powerful master swordsman in the world is also due to his tremendous superhuman physical power and fortitude which supplements his mastery of swordsmanship.
Mihawk demonstrates tremendous dexterity and supreme skill in swordsmanship, especially when using his main sword, the Black Sword Yoru.
His swordsmanship is extremely versatile, from destroying entire fleets of ships and giant icebergs with immense power using the Strong Blade swordsmanship to being able to deflect the course of bullets with masterful and graceful precision. He is also able to cut through steel with immense ease and swiftness.
The fact that Mihawk used to be a rival of one of the Yonko implies that Mihawk might be one of the strongest characters in the series. Infact he has been known to have frequently fought with Shanks when they were younger. Their battles were said to shake the whole of the Grand Line and Mihawk often sought Shanks out for duels. However, Mihawk lost interest in him after Shanks lost his left arm. Mihawk has remained unharmed thus far throughout the entire series.