Edward Newgate, more commonly known as “Whitebeard”, was the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates and was known as “The Strongest Man in the World”. He was a member of the Yonko that ruled over the New World until his death during the Battle of Marineford.
Whitebeard was given the title of the “strongest man in the world” for his physical power, which is far superior to even a giant.
Despite being old and sick, his physical resistance and pain tolerance were tremendous: he was able to keep fighting despite the number of life-threatening injuries he sustained, which included part of his head being burned off. No matter how much damage he took throughout the battle, Whitebeard continued to press forward and fight, only stopping once almost all of the Blackbeard Pirates collectively shot and brutally stabbed him to death at point-blank range.
He sustained 267 sword wounds, 152 gunshot wounds, and 46 wounds from cannonballs, and got half of his head blasted off, resulting in 465 injuries in total. However, even after taking so much damage in his already weakened state, he died standing, an impressive feat when compared to other characters. Even Teach was shocked by Whitebeard’s tenacity.