#3 – The Haoshoku clash between Kaido and Big Mom created the shockwaves that appear when two users clash. The same had already happened during the Haoshoku clash between Shanks and Whitebeard.

#2 – Shanks’ Haoshoku Haki knocks out the weaker members of Whitebeard’s crew. A large number of Whitebeard’s crew (experienced men who have survived in the New World) lapsed into unconsciousness and the ship itself began to take physical damage from Shanks’ mere presence. Whitebeard’s men attributed this to his superior Haki.

#1 – Whitebeard’s and Roger’s joined Haoshoku Haki clash cracked the air, creating an effect akin to lightning and generating a shock wave larger than the island; repelling the giant trees around them alongside the crewmates of the Roger and Whitebeard Pirates and nearly capsizing the Moby Dick.