Marco ate the Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix, a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit which allows the user to transform into a phoenix hybrid and full phoenix at will.
While this fruit’s power is classified as a Zoan, due to the uniqueness of the phoenix, the additional powers it grants may be considered similar to those of Paramecia (the somewhat “superhuman” power that affects the user’s body: regeneration) and Logia (the generation of blue phoenix flames).
This Devil Fruit gives the user increased physical attributes (as is with all Zoan types) and the rare ability of flight, as well as the possibility of launching aerial attacks.
The fruit’s greatest attribute, however, is that by transforming into a phoenix of blue flames at will, the user can regenerate any wounds with the blue fire they generate, much like how a phoenix is said to rise from its own ashes.
These blue flames are not hot and they do not burn or spread like normal fire; instead, they are what allow the user to heal, though there is a limit to the regeneration and are referred to as the “Blue Flames of Resurrection”. Furthermore, the healing properties of the blue flames can also be used to treat other beings, albeit to a more limited extent, allowing Marco to act as an efficient doctor.

Sengoku ate the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu, a rarer-than-Logia Mythical Zoan-class Devil Fruit which allows its user to transform into a Daibutsu (a giant gold Buddha) at will.
The main strength of this fruit is that it allows the user to transform into a giant, living, golden Buddha, gaining an extreme boost in strength to match his size. In this form, Sengoku’s limbs grow out of proportion, giving him abnormally large arms and relatively tiny legs. His entire body takes on a solid gold hue, (grey color in Gigant Battle); in addition to a full and hybrid transformation that are available to all Zoan Devil Fruit users, he can use palm thrusts to launch powerful shock waves.

Kaido has eaten a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows him to transform into a massive, blue-scaled Eastern dragon, notably with a circle of flame around each of his upper arms. In this form, he is capable of moving through the air by creating clouds and using them as footholds, but is also capable of flying normally.
He can also release devastating blasts of fire from his mouth, which can easily blow apart a large area.