As a Marine Vice Admiral, Tsuru is easily one of the most powerful Marines in the series, being a part of the same generation of prominent marines as Garp and Sengoku. Even in her elderly age of 63, Tsuru was strong enough to strike intense fear into Doflamingo.
Tsuru ate the Woshu Woshu no Mi, a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit that allows her to literally “wash and hang out to dry” people and objects as if they were clothes, turning them into flat and malleable like clothes. This disables the opponents by rendering them unable to move. This can also “clean” a limited amount of evil off the victims, which is considered a dangerous ability against pirates.
She is a user of Kenbunshoku and Busoshoku Haki.

“Pirate Empress” Boa Hancock is the captain of the Kuja Pirates and was the only female Warlord of the Sea prior to the organization’s disbandment.
Noted as the the strongest warrior of the infamous Kuja Tribe. Hancock has immense physical strength. Her strength is supplemented with tremendous speed and agility and she has tremendous skills in hand-to-hand combat.
Boa ate the Mero Mero no Mi, a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit, that allows a range of attacks which use emotions of lust or perversion to transform opponents into stone.
She is also adept in long-range combat and is capable of using her Devil Fruit powers to strike her enemies from a long distance. With the Slave Arrow, she shot down multiple New World Pirates at once, petrifying them in the process.
Hancock is one of the very small number of people in the world who can use all three types of Haki. She is highly skilled in Busoshoku Haki which she can combine with her kicks to bypass a Logia’s intangible defenses. She also possesses Haoshoku Haki, which she can used to knock out a weak-willed people with a massive burst. Hancock possesses the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki.
3 – GION

Gion, better known by her alias Momousagi, is a Marine vice admiral. Momousagi and Tsuru have a close-relationship due to Tsuru treating Momousagi as her little sister.
As a vice admiral, Gion is capable of using Haki. She is strong enough to be a candidate to become an Admiral. However, she did not make the cut, as Issho and Ryokugyu attained the positions instead. Chaton asked her out 100 times, but she rejected him each time.

Yamato possesses immense physical strength resembling that of Kaidou. She is extremely fast and possesses tremendous durability.
Yamato ate the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Okuchi no Makami, a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows her to transform into a divine wolf, as well as a human-divine wolf hybrid. According to Kaidou, this beast is a “Guardian Deity of Wano Country”.
As a Zoan, this fruit greatly bolsters Yamato’s physical abilities. Yamato was able to clash near-evenly against her father, Kaidou, an Emperor of the Sea, while the latter had assumed his extremely powerful human-dragon form.
Being a Mythical Zoan, this fruits bestows special powers that a regular wolf does not possess. Yamato is able to utilize the element of ice, allowing her to augment her kanabo, protect herself with ice armor, and even release a powerful blast of ice from her mouth that can clash evenly with and cancel out Kaidou’s flame breath blast.
Yamato is capable of using all three forms of Haki.
She has demonstrated the advanced technique of imbuing Haoshoku, with her kanabo emitting streams of a dark lightning-like substance when performing the Raimei Hakke technique.
Yamato is a highly skilled user of Busoshoku Haki, having imbued her hand and kanabo with it while preparing to attack Hatcha, resulting in a lightning-like effect and a projected swing with tremendous force.
Yamato also possesses the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki.

As one of the Yonko, Big Mom is one of the four most powerful pirates in the world. As the only female member, this effectively makes Big Mom the single most powerful female pirate in the world.
Big Mom has immense superhuman physical strength and tremendous superhuman durability since her birth. She also has a very high level of stamina and endurance.
After the death of its previous owner, Carmel, Linlin somehow acquired the powers of the Soru Soru no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows her to manifest peoples’ souls as an ethereal substance that she can grab hold of, so long as the intended victim feels fear. She can then steal the soul from the victim, taking away their lifespan by an amount of her choosing. She can take a person’s entire remaining lifespan, thus killing them instantly, or she can just take part of that person’s remaining lifespan, leaving their lifespan that much shorter.
Once she has them, Big Mom can infuse the stolen souls into objects to give them life, turning them into beings called homies, which act as her servants. Nearly anything can be made into a homie, including animals, plants, minerals, liquids, furniture, food, buildings and even intangible things such as fire, air, and light. Anything made into a homie gains human-like attributes, such as the ability to walk and talk. The only things that cannot be made into homies are people and corpses.
She can also consume her own soul in order to make herself bigger and stronger, as well as infuse souls into her own skeleton, allowing her to heal her own broken bones by commanding them to return to their proper structure.
In addition to creating homies from the souls she has taken from others, Big Mom can use fragments of her own soul to create “special homies”, which are far more powerful than regular homies due to being made from her incredibly powerful soul. Her special homies consist of Zeus, later replaced by Hera, a thundercloud summoned with her left hand; Prometheus, a sun summoned with her right hand; and Napoleon, a bicorne she wears on her head. These three special homies are Big Mom’s most powerful weapons.
Big Mom is one of the few individuals able to imbue their Haoshoku Haki into their body or objects.
She is also capable of using the advanced application of projecting her Busoshoku Haki out from her body, allowing her to strike opponents without directly making contact with them.
She also possesses the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki.