Characters included in the list have to be active as either Pirates, Marines, Warlords or Revolutionaries. For example, Sengoku, Monkey D. Garp and Silvers Rayleigh have retired so they are not included.


Fujitora is a Marine admiral. In terms of combat strength, he is considered to be one of the strongest fighters within the entire World Government structure.
Fujitora ate the Zushi Zushi no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to manipulate gravity around a chosen location at will by sending gravitational forces. Every time he uses this ability, he draws his sword. He regularly uses this ability to precipitate giant meteorites from the sky or uses it to increase the force of gravity and immobilize an opponent on the ground.
Fujitora can also reverse gravity to create a circular barrier around him that repels all attacks or to levitate a battleship similar to Shiki’s Fuwa Fuwa no Mi. He can levitate a rock and use it as a mobile platform. He is also able to use gravity to attack horizontally, consequently hitting opponents and everything around him.
Fujitora has shown mastery over two types of Haki: Busoshoku Haki and Kenbunshoku Haki, which he uses to compensate for his blindness in battle.