Tsuru is a Marine Headquarters vice admiral. As a Marine Vice Admiral and being a part of the same generation of prominent Marines as Garp and Sengoku, Tsuru is possibly one of the most powerful Marines in the series. Even in her elderly age of 63, Tsuru was strong enough to strike intense fear into Doflamingo.
Tsuru ate the Woshu Woshu no Mi, a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit that allows her to literally “wash and hang out to dry” people and objects as if they were clothes, turning them into flat and malleable like clothes. This disables the opponents by rendering them unable to move. This can also “clean” a limited amount of evil off the victims, which is considered a dangerous ability against pirates.

Trafalgar Law is the captain and doctor of the Heart Pirates. He is the user of a Devil Fruit called the Ope Ope no Mi, which allows him to create a spherical territory of light blue aura. In this territory, he is capable of separating and spatially displacing anything and everything inside (including himself), referred to as that he can “operate” on anything within the spherical “operating room”. Easily among the most versatile Devil Fruits around, with his powers, Law is capable of causing mass havoc within the area he controls.
Law can use his power to generate high voltage energy; he can generate electrical energy to shock his opponents, and he can generate a blade of energy that he can use to damage his enemies internal organs without leaving an external wound.
Law has achieved Devil Fruit Awakening, allowing him to create and adhere a miniature room to his weapons, which then gain the ability to harmlessly bypass anything solid and directly operate on the insides of whatever they may phase through. This directly addresses one of the fruit’s biggest weaknesses, which is the stationary nature of its field of range. By Law’s own admission, he has not fully mastered his awakened powers and using them takes a serious toll on his stamina.
Ope Ope no Mi has been called the “Ultimate Devil Fruit”. Infact it has the unique power to grant another person eternal youth in exchange for the current user’s life.
Law has shown great proficiency in Busoshoku Haki. He also possesses Kenbunshoku Haki.

Fitting his title of Admiral, Kizaru is one of the most powerful fighters within the World Government and the Marines.
The greatest aspect of Kizaru’s physical abilities is his immense speed and extraordinary reflexes, which is further enhanced by the light based powers of his devil fruit. Kizaru, in fact, possesses the power of the Pika Pika no Mi, a Logia-type Devil Fruit that grants him the powers of the element of light.
He is capable of moving and attacking at the speed of light, and all of his attacks are based on the element of light, such as firing energy blasts from his fingertips or feet with extreme accuracy and precision. His power is very destructive, causing huge explosions and can easily destroy buildings. He also has the ability to reflect himself, essentially moving from one location to the next at the speed of light. Due to this fruit’s power, Kizaru is possibly the fastest man in the world. Kizaru possesses Observation Haki and Advanced level of Armament Haki.

Across his voyages Benn Beckman has learned a lot of experience, with an incredibly advanced intellect and great thinking capabilities.
When the Red Hair Pirates arrived at Marineford to stop the war, Beckman was able to climb on to a Marine ship’s mast and sit on it, all the while pointing his flintlock at Kizaru, without the latter noticing. Admiral Kizaru chose not to fight him, even though he had just fought the First Commander of Whitebeard’s crew and Whitebeard himself.
According to “One Piece: Vivre Card Databook” Benn Beckman is almost as strong as Shanks! His card says that Benn is incredible powerful in terms of physical combat. The card even says that “Comparable to Red Hair’s, this man’s existence is feared by even the powerful warriors of the New World!!”

Akainu is the current Fleet Admiral of the Marines. He has shown to possess tremendous strength and an immense amount of superhuman durability.
Akainu possesses the Magu Magu no Mi, a Logia-class Devil Fruit which grants him the ability to transform his body into magma and manipulate it at will, as well as produce near-limitless amounts of it. His ability is naturally of a higher order than Ace’s pyrokinetic abilities, as the higher heat and smothering abilities of his magma allowed him to successfully harm Ace despite Ace’s Logia-defense, and ultimately kill Ace due to this superiority. According to Oda “with his level of controlling and the ability to freely manipulate the Lava, Akainu has the most powerful attack among devil fruits”.
During the decisive ten day battle on Punk Hazard for the position of fleet admiral, Akainu showed the furious power of his Devil Fruit as he changed the weather of one side of Punk Hazard and left it in a blaze.
Eiichiro Oda stated that if Akainu were to become the protagonist, he is so strong that he could end the One Piece series within a year.
Akainu was seen using an advanced level of Armament Haki to negate Whitebeard’s attempt to destroy the execution platform, by creating, with his fellow admirals, a shield combination of their three Haki.