
Top 10 Strongest Characters from North Blue – Ranked




Trafalgar Law is the captain and doctor of the Heart Pirates. He ate the Ope Ope no Mi, which allows him to create a spherical territory of light blue aura. In this territory, he is capable of separating and spatially displacing anything and everything inside (including himself), referred to as that he can “operate” on anything within the spherical “operating room”. Easily among the most versatile Devil Fruits around, with his powers, Law is capable of causing mass havoc within the area he controls. Law appears to have mastered his power to such a great extent, that he can even cut through someone who completely imbued their body in Busoshoku Haki.
Ope Ope no Mi has been called the “Ultimate Devil Fruit”. Infact it has the unique power to grant another person eternal youth in exchange for the current user’s life.
Law is extremely skillful in wielding his Nodachi Kikoku, a sword about as tall as he is.
His greatest swordsmanship feats shown so far have been defeating Vergo, one of the strongest members of the Donquixote Pirates, where the wake of his slash was capable of cutting apart Caesar’s laboratory and the surrounding mountains, and cutting a meteor in half. He also managed to wrap the rope created by Donquixote Doflamingo’s attack around his sword.


“Flower Sword” Vista is the 5th division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. He is one of the most prominent members of his crew.
Vista has extraordinary mastery in dual wielding swordsmanship and even Mihawk acknowledges his skills. He even managed to deflect Mihawk’s flying slash attack which is powerful enough to cut through battleships. In the anime, he was also able to block bullets with his swords to protect his allies from being shot while escaping.
Another indication of his strength is that during the Battle of Marineford, despite having fought against individual Shichibukai and Admirals as well as numerous Marine officers, he sustained no significant injuries.



Tsuru is a Marine Headquarters vice admiral. As a Marine Vice Admiral and being a part of the same generation of prominent Marines as Garp and Sengoku, Tsuru is possibly one of the most powerful Marines in the series. Even in her elderly age of 63, Tsuru was strong enough to strike intense fear into Doflamingo.
Tsuru ate the Woshu Woshu no Mi, a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit that allows her to literally “wash and hang out to dry” people and objects as if they were clothes, turning them into flat and malleable like clothes. This disables the opponents by rendering them unable to move. This can also “clean” a limited amount of evil off the victims, which is considered a dangerous ability against pirates.

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