Due to genetic enhancements, Reiju possesses immense superhuman physical abilities that were additionally honed through a stringent training regimen from a young age. Like her brothers (excluding Sanji), she has an outer skeleton known as an Exoskeleton, which allows her to take more damage than a normal human.
Possibly resulting from her genetic enhancements, Reiju wields immense poison-based powers, which garnered her the epithet of “Poison Pink.” She can suck poison out of people via mouth-to-mouth and ingest it, while having exhibited immense immunity to the most virulent of poisons. She’s also capable of secreting poison from her body and combining it with physical attacks. The poison is potent enough to affect powerful enemies such as Sweet Commander Smoothie, who called it troublesome.
Due to her family’s technological prowess, Reiju possesses a raid suit which she wears in combat. It protects her from fire, bullets, and strong blows. The Raid Suit protected her when Big Mom used Prometheus against her.