Charlotte Katakuri is the strongest of Big Mom’s Three Sweet Commanders. Even as a child, his strength was compared to that of a “monster”.
Katakuri is extremely fast and possesses tremendous physical strength.
Katakuri is one of the very small number of people in the world who can use all three types of Haki. He’s able to use an advanced form of Kenbunshoku Haki which allows him to see slightly ahead into the future.
Katakuri ate the Mochi Mochi no Mi, a special Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that lets him create, control, and transform into mochi at will.
As a “special” Paramecia, Katakuri can actually change his body into mochi, akin to a Logia. When combined with mastery over Kenbunshoku Haki, he can predict the future and manipulate the shape of their bodies accordingly to avoid being hit by attacks.
Katakuri has also awakened his Devil Fruit powers, enabling him to transform inorganic material into mochi, enhancing the range of his attacks and capture field.