
Top 20 Longest Separations among the Straw Hats Crew


Recently, Zoro and Sanji met each other again for the first time since the Dressrosa Arc. So we’ve had 221 consecutive chapters without a Zoro and Sanji interaction (chapter 722-chapter 943). That’s 23.4% of One Piece’s entire publication time!


I was curious about the numbers for the other Straw Hats. So I made a list of the Top 20 longest separations among the Straw Hat Pirates Crew.


What constituted being “together” was a bit up to interpretation, but in general I looked for characters being in the same place in the same chapter.


Some things I thought were interesting:

  • Sanji had actually been separated longer from Robin, Usopp, and Franky than Zoro
  • I was surprised how many pairs of characters have yet to meet up in Wano
  • Beneath the Top 20 were several many-way ties, mostly Straw Hats who were separated from the beginning of Dressrosa to their reunion at Zou (~106 chapters), or their separation during the time skip (~86-90 chapters)
  • Of all of the pairs, those who had the least “longest separation” were Franky and Robin who were apart for 86 chapters during the time skip

*by badzar62

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