
Vegapunk will turn all Shichibukais into HUMAN WEAPONS?


The Shichibukai are seven powerful and notorious pirates who have allied themselves with the World Government. The current members of the Shichibukai are Dracule Mihawk, Bartholomew Kuma, Boa Hancock, Buggy and Edward Weevil.


The Shichibukai as a group are one of the Three Great Powers that keeps the world in balance.
Because of their pact with the World Government, the Shichibukai are considered “Government Dogs” by other pirates. At the same time, they are also feared by them because all of the Shichibukai are insanely strong.

Despite the fact that the Shichibukai are on the World Government’s side, Fujitora, like Smoker, believes that the Shichibukai are nothing more than pirates who cannot be trusted and is willing to abolish the Shichibukai’s system.


In Chapter 905 Fujitora and Ryokugyu were talking about Vegapunk and his completion of an invention that would make the Shichibukai obsolete.


As we know, Vegapunk is famed as the greatest scientific genius the world has ever known, having tremendous knowledge and unmatched understanding in multiple, different fields of science, ranging from cell biology to military technology, as noted by Franky. His scientific expertise is said to be at least 500 years ahead of his contemporaries.

What IF Vegapunk plans to turn all Shichibukais into different types of HUMAN WEAPONS based on the characteristics of them all? All of this being orders from the World Government. And the projects being funded by the Celestial Dragons.

What do you think?

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