Was Rocks D. Xebec really that bad?
Since Chapter 1096 came out, I had some thoughts about what really happened on God Valley and why Saturn is a keyfigure in potentially solving this.

What do we know about God Valley?
Not much actually. Basically what Sengoku told us in Chapter 957 “Ultimate” and now what we learned in Kuma’s flashback.
Some panels for some quick summary:

Mind, Sengoku was not present he only can tell what he was told about God Valley. Maybe he knows more, but didn‘t tell those lower ranking Marines.
Sengoku labeled Rocks D. Xebec as “terrorist” who broke too many taboos in his pursuit of becoming “King of the World”.

What “really” happened on God Valley. Masters of cover ups.
We all know the World Goverment ,with the help of Morgans (who is also mentioned in Chapter 1096) are the Kings of Cover ups.

So without further ado…
Rocks true Intentions and Saturn’s Role during God Valley
What if Rocks was not the “terrorist” who tried to take over the world as the World Government lets everyone believe.
During the God Valley incident Rocks and Roger meet Saturn and that‘s where things went bad for everyone.
From what we know now Rocks Pirates suffered a great defeat and we don‘t know if Roger gained anything from this as well.
If we think about it Saturn was present where the most powerful pirates of that time gathered on one Island and he got out there alive while Rocks, the leader of the most powerful pirate group of that time, died.
Saturn could be a monster but that‘s something for the battledome.
If they fought Saturn, he probably transformed. Saturn is able to transform into an Ushi Oni and can kill people when they make eye contact with him.

Saturn from what we know now is not the type to care for anyone else. He called the Marines insects.
This must have caused major causalities for the citizens, slaves and Celestial Dragons as well.
That‘s why it‘s reported Roger and Garp saved the Celestial Dragons and Slaves because if they would not have done that innocent people would have died as well.
Roger and Rocks might have joined forces temporally to take on Saturn and during this Rocks died.
Now about Sengoku‘s quote from above.

Nothing is easier than framing a dead person for something and label him as a terrorist who tried to take over the world by killing Saturn one of the leaders of the world.
Sure we still don‘t know what brought the Roger Pirates and Rocks Pirates to God Valley.
Both parties might have fought each other before they encountered Saturn.
I know you might be thinking: “why doesn‘t anyone of the present people tell the truth of what happened that day?”
Because of this. Nobody who was present talks about it.

During Chapter 1096 there are some quotes of Whitebeard and the others about Rocks are interesting as well.

Notice also this panel where Big Mom talks about him.

This doesn‘t seem like Rocks is a bad guy, it kinda reminds me of how others describe Luffy sometimes.
Rushing ahead, losing sight of the main goal, idiot etc…
So what do you think?
*by DarkestKnightofSpoilers